Brooks, S. M. (2021). The ABCs of coping: Strategies from A to Z for dealing with stress. Independently published.


Have you ever had days where you felt like stress was taking over your life? Where you felt so overwhelmed that you could not even think of what you could possibly do to try to self-sooth or to deal with your stress? Dare I say, where you didn’t know how to cope?

The ABCs of Coping will give you a practical list of coping strategies so that you don’t have to think in those very challenging moments of overwhelm.

Brooks, S. M. (2021). The Jr. ABCs of coping: 26 ways I can calm my body and mind. Independently published.


Learning coping strategies can be a helpful way for kids to be able to deal with difficult emotions. Coping skills can also help kids manage mounds of energy that can sometimes get trapped inside their bodies. THE Jr. ABCs OF COPING: 26 WAYS I CAN CALM MY BODY AND MIND is a book of strategies kids can try, practice, and use to deal with stress, an abundance of energy, and strong emotions.

Brooks, S. M. (2022). Donning the (super[-marginalized] woman) cape: Facilitating group as a BIPOC woman. In Kane, Y. I., Masselink, S. M., & Weiss, A. C. (Eds.), Group, intersectionality, and power in group psychotherapy leadership (pp. TBA). Routledge.

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