
Conference Presentations:

Brooks, S., Cole Hahn, N., & Weltz, S. (2021, February). Microaggressions under the microscope: A practical approach to identifying, unmasking, and exploring implicit bias in group psychotherapy. Presented at the 2021 American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting – AGPA Connect, online.

Brooks, S., Cole Hahn, N., Goates-Jones, M., Hannan, C., Wheeler, L. (2020, March). Responding to bias and microaggressions in group psychotherapy. Presented at the 2020 American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting – AGPA Connect, New York, NY.

Brooks, S., Cole Hahn, N. (2019, February). When microaggressions make a large impact on the small group. Presented at the 2019 American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting – AGPA Connect, Los Angeles, CA.

Brooks, S., Isaza, K., Keating, N. (2019, February). Overcoming obstacles as group coordinator: Inspiring thriving group programs in UCCs and other settings. Presented at the 2019 American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting – AGPA Connect, Los Angeles, CA.

Brooks, S. (2017, March). Therapist use of self: Connecting with difficult “real world” group populations. Presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, New York, NY.

Brooks, S., Gaines, L. (2016, February). Therapist use of self: Connecting with difficult “real world” group populations. Presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, New York, NY.

Boyd-Franklin, N., Brooks, S., Gaines, L. (2015, February). When theory meets the “real world:” Finding ways to adapt theory to reach non-traditional populations. Presented at the Teachers College 32nd Annual Winter Roundtable, New York University, New York, NY.


Outreach Presentation
Titles and Topics

* Applying and Interviewing for Internships in University Counseling Centers *

* The Influence of Identity on Process Group Dynamics *

* It’s (Been) in the Room: Bias in the Form of Blindness, Differential Care, and the Maintenance of Racist Structures in Practice *

* Mental Health and Self Care for Black Women *

* Recognizing Students in Distress *

* Talk It Out: A Discussion on Healthy Communication *

* What Does Self-Care Have to Do With Success?: Connections Between Mental Health and Academic Achievement *

Imposter Syndrome

Mental Health


Work-Life Balance




Online Process Groups with University Students: Panel Discussion


More to Come!